The vessel was officially named at the Incat shipyard on Wednesday 17th May. Mrs Park of Daezer Group breaking the champagne bottle to name the ship El Dorado Express.
The Korean National Anthem was sung by the Korean crew and members of the Hobart Korean community including the Tasmanian Consul for Korea, Mr Damon Thomas.
Children from St Virgil’s primary school sang the Australian National Anthem.
Speeches by Mr Kim, CEO of Daezer Ferry, Tim Burnell, CEO of Incat and the Tasmanian Minister for State Development Mr Guy Barnett were followed by refreshments on the upper deck of the ship.
The Incat workforce also enjoying with an extra long lunch break and celebratory BBQ.
Vessel Handover - 22nd May 2023
L-R – Rachel Shin, Kinsale Maritime, Mr. Yang Wook Kim CEO Daezer Ferry, Joel Scarr Incat Legal and Commercial Officer and Incat CEO Tim Burnell.