Tasmanian shipbuilder Incat is rebuilding its workforce, with the first intake already underway, some being Incat former employees returning to the fold.
Incat Tasmania Pty Ltd has secured a contract for the construction of a fast 70 metre crew transfer vessel for operations in the Caspian Sea oil industry. The vessel will be delivered via the Volga-Don Canal to the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan. It is hoped this vessel will lead to many more contracts for crew support vessels for various regions around the world.
To meet production requirements there is a need to steadily expand the workforce. Positions are becoming available across a range of trades and skill areas, with priority being given to those with relevant experience in aluminium ship construction. In addition there are also opportunities for apprenticeships, for both new apprentices and those wishing to complete their trades.
Incat Chairman Robert Clifford said “It is wonderful to be in a position again to increase the workforce and develop trade skills within Tasmania. Incat is seen as the world leader in high speed light ship construction and we foresee a long and prosperous future for the Tasmanian workforce”.