All Eyes on Australian Built Incat Ship Deployed with US Military

Joint Venture HSV-X1, the Incat-built 96 metre fast catamaran currently serving with the US Military is once again taking centre stage as she participates in Millennium Challenge 2002 off the coast of San Diego, United States.

Millennium Challenge 2002 (MC02) is the United States’ premier joint integrating event, bringing together both live field exercises and computer simulation and is sponsored by US Joint Forces Command.

Mandated by US Congress, MC02 is exploring critical war fighting challenges at the operational level of war that may confront US military forces in the future. More than 13,500 personnel from all of the military services, US Special Operations Command, most functional and regional commands, and various Department of Defense and federal agencies are participating in this event which is considered to be a critical building block of future military transformation.

During her trials at San Diego Joint Venture HSV-X1 has played host to visits by senior US military officers and US Congressional visitors.

The further experimentation with Joint Venture HSV-X1 is undoubtedly a highlight of the exercise. The potential impact of fast, shallow draft, open architecture vessels with large carrying capacity on mine warfare, special operations, ship-to-objective manoeuvre and medical and non-combatant support operations will all be evaluated.

Editors note: The US Military designation HSV-X1 is High Speed Vessel Experimental One.

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