AMC Student Tour of Incat

On Friday 31st July a group of 58 first year Marine Engineering students from the Australian Maritime College Launceston (AMC) visited the site to give, for some of them their first exposure to a heavy industrial site based around aluminium ship building. 
The visit was hosted by Revolution Design with Mark Dewey, Darren Nosworthy, Doug Steel and Chris Davies acting as guides for the two and a half hour visit.

The calibre of the students was as usual very high, and the level of interest and the quality of the questions asked kept everyone on their toes. Mark Reddens daughter Ellie was in the group of students. Good to see some family continuity.

The students were shown a DVD of the Japanese 112’s then taken through the Revolution Design office to view Finite Element Models(FEM) and Computer Aided Design (CAD) models of the 112m and 85m boats. This was followed by a walk through prefab and some time on 067. To say that the students were impressed is an understatement.  The term ‘wide eyed wonder’ springs to mind.     

This is the third year Dr. Irene Penesis, the course coordinator at AMC, has requested a visit of our facilities as the students have usually left after the visits inspired by what they have seen at the producer of the worlds best lightweight fast ships. 

Mark Dewey